
好多同業朋友近日既話題都係講移民,其實個個都想移民,唔通個個都真係想移民? 究竟有乜方法可以增加移民澳洲乘數呢?今日就同大家分享其中一個增加本錢去澳洲既方法,呢個方法未必人人合用,但對想去澳洲既同業一定有莫大幫助。

話說廿幾年前我係Monash University修讀 School of Computing 既 Bachelor of Computing (info. sys.)時已經認識Australian Computer Society (ACS)呢個組織。因為剛完成學位,回港後apply membership被classified 做AACS (Associated grade). 閑時我會update 類似PMI 既PDU, 後來多佐個PCP 既 credential同Full member.

而因為當年如果想apply skill immigrate 既 criteria係需要我地回港後最少有一年相關工作經驗至可以apply, 而因為程種種原因,我上灣仔High Commission買佐套application form就無再follow up, 而ACS membership 最後雖然係轉佐做full member, 但最後都比我棄會。

既然開場白係講增加移民本錢,咁ACS同移民澳洲有乜野關係呢? 港共政府呢幾年學人地外國既
qualifications framework就係同一個概念, 而澳洲當地既係Australian Qualifications Framework(AQF)
至於New Zealand既qualifications framework就叫NZQF.

我自己雖然已經係over age, 唔可以用 Skill Immigrate 呢個subclass, 但都可以share一下, 因為好多時refer去skill shortage list時, ICT 工種做Endorsement都係會經ACS, 所以呢部份格外重要.

咁我近日學人預備BNO 5+1 (ACS同BCS好似係互相認證的)時去reinstate個membership時發現被ACS由full member degrade佐去AACS, 所以就同membership service做clarification. 原因就因為ACS而家係跟AQF玩法, 所以要做過晒vetting, 而呢個vetting fee就要AUD$349. 經幾個email clarifications, 最後memberhship services同意wavied呢 AUD$349.

而我就玩佐好幾小時既effort去預備下面既材料Applying for Certification offline – ACS information sheet

1. CV
- Detailed history of your ICT employment: list of qualifications; basic personal details;
summary of each role (most recent first) with start and end dates, and a description of your
key activities, outcomes and levels of responsibility
2. Qualifications
- Digital copy of qualifications: certificate and transcript
- Digital copy of TAFE qualifications: provide units/subjects and grades
- Vendor certificate with online validation details (not older than five years)
3. Experience
We need details for each of your relevant job roles in your current and previous employment
(this may be listed in email or Word document with pdf supporting documents attached). For
each job role this may include:
- A list of your main roles and responsibilities for the position. This may be taken (or
expanded) from your Curriculum Vitae
- Employment performance reviews, project reports or position descriptions
- Copies of presentations, newspaper articles, magazine or newsletter contributions
- Client testimonials, YouTube videos, LinkedIn profile
- Endorsements, evidence of work undertaken or publicised

當您完成晒上面既野, 你就會有下面其中一個badge, 而呢個credential都會幫到你搵工架

另外有個TG group chat歡迎埋黎吹水傳送門
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Author: Adrian

Just a fxxking moron who see bad money drives out good!

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